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president mrs. sandhiya krishnan vice president mr. srinivas karri secretary mr. jegan candassamy joint-secretary mrs. mangai dharmarajan treasurer mr. sai krishnan it & technology support mr. kannan public relations |
cultural committee
mr. srinivas karri mrs. vijaya kumar mrs. vasantha kannan food committee mr. subramaniam perumal arts & digital mr. jegan candassamy mr. saravanakumar ramamoorthy mr. ravi robinson mr. ramesh thangavelu mr. jonathan robinson mr. vishvakishore venkatesan media support prathik ramesh raahul rajah ashwin subbu aran dharma |
mr. suresh sivananthan
president mr. srikanth medarametla vice president mr. venkatesan gopinathan secretary mrs. sujatha ramesh joint-secretary mr. masilamani dharmarajan treasurer mr. rajah vedamurthy it & technology support mr. ramesh thangavelu public relations |
cultural committee
mr. sai krishnan food committee mr. saravanakumar ramamoorthy mrs. vijaya kumar arts & digital mr. jegan candassamy mr. kannan mr. ravi robinson bt} mr. jonathan robinson mr. vishvakishore venkatesan media support prathik ramesh raahul rajah ashwin subbu aran dharma |
mr. rajah vedamurthy
president mr. suresh sivananthan vice president mr. subramaniam perumal secretary mr. masilamani dharmarajan joint-secretary mr. ramesh thangavelu treasurer mr. jegan candasamy it & technology support mrs. sandhiya krishnan public relations |
cultural committee
mrs. sree balamurugesh mrs. srinivasa karri mrs. aruna muthuswami mrs. aruna jegannathan mrs. mangai dharmarajan mrs. dhivya luther mr. venkatesan gopinathan mrs. sujatha ramesh food committee mr. srikanth medarametla arts & digital mr. daniel benedict mr. ravi robinson mr. sai krishnan bt} mr. jonathan robinson amazon seller making sure i get paid with every order mr. vishvakishore venkatesan |
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